tiistai 9. elokuuta 2022

NASA tutkii UFOja

Pikkuhiljaa NASAkin tutkii UFO ilmiötä ainakin jonkin verran. Suurin osa tutkimuksesta on luonnollisesti salaista.

Yet the pronouncement also fit in with the suddenly more open-minded zeitgeist regarding UAPs. Last year saw the publication of a much-anticipated report on the Department of Defense’s own investigations into the subject, following the release of first-person accounts and video from U.S. fighter pilots claiming to show encounters with strange objects in the skies. High-profile coverage in mainstream media and open congressional hearings about UAPs have kept the matter circulating in the public realm. A month after the Pentagon’s report came out, theoretical astrophysicist Avi Loeb, former chair of Harvard University’s astronomy department, announced a private initiative called the Galileo Project, which is aimed at searching for potential evidence of alien technology here on Earth.


UFOja on nähty aina. 

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